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PRO Line: new high tech solutions

New advanced technologies available in the CCTV field


PRO line, e-Vision® leading devices for both IP and AHD high resolution video surveillance, constantly update its product range with new and high performing solutions. PRO line allows multi-standard and hybrid systems, simplifying the integration and renovation of already existing CCTV systems, while ensuring excellent video images quality levels. Extremely reliable, stable and long-lasting, PRO line products set new standards to an advanced technology via its innovations:


Up to 4K resolution

PRO AHD systems support the 4 Mpx Full-HD 1080p standards, while IP systems enables 4K, 4 Mpx, 3 Mpx and 2 Mpx resolutions. The high qualitative level of the images will be noticed immediately, and for each resolution are available several formats (bullet, minidome and speed dome) with various lens types. The higher resolution, thanks to a better detail level and a wider shooting range, grants fewer cameras and consequently a reduction in costs and system complexity. 





Thanks to ULTRASENSE technology low light conditions will no longer be a problem, indeed a specific sensor for vision in exceptionally dark environment enables extremely detailed images in low lighting. Thus delaying black-and-white switching (also sharp and without digital noise black-and-white images), and making ULTRASENSE cameras particularly suitable for dark and low IR refraction locations.

Traditional sensors VS e-Visions ULTRASENSE sensors

immagini dark



VCA functions 

EL.MO. IP 4 Mpx and 4K PRO cameras are equipped with on-board analytics. This means they can carry out specific simplified video analysis functions, such as line crossing and detection of abandoned or removed objects.

Area intrusion detection   Line crossing   Immagine3.png

Area intrusion detection


Line crossing



Immagine4.png   Immagine5.png   Removed object

Colour cast


Abandoned object


Removed object


Icona e Connect

e-Connect Cloud Platform

e-Connect, the innovative web platform that allows managing, centralize and supervise EL.MO. intrusion detection systems, allows full integration of PRO line CCTV systems: monitor the cameras in your e-Vision® CCTV system directly from your smartphone, tablet or PC, display more than one camera on a multi-screen grid, in real time or play back. With e-Connect you can control the intrusion detection and video surveillance systems, as well as home automation. Learn what this multilevel platform can do for both installers/distributors and end-users!


For further information please refer to the following brochure or contact us at




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