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  • Sicurezza Milano Exhibition

Sicurezza Milano Exhibition

Thank you for your attendance


The 19th edition of Sicurezza Milano Exhibition just took place and, with 25.569 professional visitors in three days  (+35% compared to last year), it confirms its centrality for the security market, proving also to be an important hub to the innovation applied to the field.

For EL.MO. this appointment was a complete success, with a record attendance every day: important numbers that endorse the value and recognition of the company both nationally and internationally.

We appreciated the enthusiasm you have shown for our innovations: integrated systems suitable for both Bank/Retails/Organized Mass Distribution and Residential solutions, as for Villeggio® and PREGIO lines, home automation interface, new products for the revolutionary NG-TRX® technology and for intrusion detection systems on ULTRABUS, the new CCTV e-Vision® PRO line with 4K cameras and ULTRASENSE technology, and much more. Your interest and appreciation encouraged and pushed us to improve and to continue our mission: quality and innovation in the security field.

Thank you to all the visitors of Sicurezza Milano Exhibition

For further information don't hesitate to contact us at


Sicurezza Milano '17

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